Wednesday, May 5, 2010

For super junior lover!

1.fav member : CHOI SIWON!

2. (BE HONEST) yes or no: i memorized all thirteen members' names >>> SURE! yea.

3. Only love suju : NO, shinee and Jb also!

4. how many pictures do you have of suju (you dont have to be exact): loads. need to count? It so many!

5. have you ever switched favorite members?(be specific who): it will always shuffling between siwon n jb :)

6. cutest member: sungmin & ryeowook

7. hottest member: My Choi siwon!

(for eight they all need to be different and i know its hard but only one)
8a.member you would like to marry: I only need him! :x

8b. member you would like to date: siwon? :/

8c. member you would like as a best friend: leeteuk! :D

8d.member you would like as a pet & what animal: yesung! he's just like a evil cat!

9.prettiest member: sungmin! singer: kyuhyun

11.member you think deserves more love than they get: x

12.member you think is most like yourself: my darling, siwon!

13.member you find yourself jealous of all the time and why: x dressed member: x

15.funniest member: Sungmin

16.weird couple(between the members): x

17.OTP(between the members): x

x = i don't know! :p