Finally, I got some times to update my bloggie. First of all, I gotta say Gong Xi Fa Cai to y'all, although it's kinda late. K, I would like to ask how do you guys spend your Chinese New Year? Everybody finished collect all the Angpows? Do you enjoy during Chinese New Year holidays? Seriously, I felt kinda shoik, as I got a lot Angpow's this bunny year! Oh nana, as we grow older,
cash is our most important thing, therefore Angpow's is vital for me. hahaha! Well, let's me share out what I've gone during Cny.
Chu yi.
I woke up early today, prepared, grabbed some breakfast at home and fly out with family! The first day of cny, we decided to visit our cousins. Everyone meet at my Gu Jie's house. As we reached the destination, everybody is siting on the floor and waiting for us to gambling lol. funny right? Cantonese speaking is *Hoi Toi. We spent almost half day at there. Kinda bored, cause today is not my day, have not earn money in gambling. Fine then, we leaved to worship, after that. Spent 2hours, words best describe *boredom, oops! The Si Fu very Rich lor, kept showing off his stuff. ie;
laptop, dslr, ipod, ipad... wtf right, so geng? I want it too!
Evening, I am finally got back home (seriously very tired). Sadly, mom said still have to visit my uncle and aunty, therefore, we fly out to visit another family!
Visited both house are also superb wide lor. How unfortunately I've forgotten to charge my phone and camera battery, therefore didn't have any photograph in chuyi. sad case.* After finished bian nian, straight back home and had dinner!
♥ So now, what do you gone in your chuyi? Let share it out too! v-v
Chu Er
Second days of Cny, went out to 1utama with family. We love shopping extremely much, okay! Second day is just like usual, kinda bored. Photos can prove it.
Hi, this is my zhao pai dong zuo, okay?!
As we reached destination, we ate some snacks at Haagen-dazz !
60 plus bucks! oh wtf, xoxo only.

My Brother! Single* -o-
After that,
To be frank, 1utama decoration very bad. No chinese new year's spirit at all lol.
See, very bad right? bu tong*

Lastly, we went to have dinner after shopping! Lou shang* we like it.
not much photo to share* :9
Wait for my next blog post! Sadly, cny still needed exam, therefore i gotta face books! So, bye! seeya. *wish me all the best* peace. v-v